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Destockage Original


Destockage Original is the specialist in destocking major brands of clothing, shoes, jewelry, perfumes and accessories. Thousands of top brand references are available on the Web. Destockage Original is actively present on social networks where you can follow us. Our Parisian store welcomes you every day of the week.

Passionate about fashion, our aim is to offer top brands at original prices.


  • Full Responsive Design integration based on WordPress & Woo-Commerce
  • Creation of a Web design mock-up while preserving the site’s identity
  • Drop-shipping solution.

Project objectives

  • Offer visitors simple, intuitive navigation
  • Enable display adapted to each type of screen (PC, smartphones and tablets)
  • Create and maintain a news system with the addition of a blog
  • Maintain consistency with the existing visual identity
  • A classy, sober web design in keeping with luxury
  • Optimize the site for search engines (SEO) and gain visibility
  • Site security is our mission
Live Project